Display Ads Tool

Quickly review content and credibility of website display ad placements your ads appear on. Exclude placements that are unlikely to drive conversions.

Free Trial

Block Irrelevant Website Display Ad Placements...

Review, exclude or keep tens of thousands of display ad placements at a time.

Stop Wasted Ad Spend

Quickly exclude irrelevant website display ad placements.

Supervised Automation

Review proposed placement exclusions before applying them.

Save 100s of Hours

Quickly repeat the process when you're satisfied with the results.

How it works ...

Enter keywords that qualify website placements as high or low quality for your ads. Then, allow Ad Automator to comb through hundreds, or even thousands, of websites your ads appeared on. When finished, we will create placement exclusion lists you can review then add to campaigns, save, or disregard at your discretion.

This tool pays for itself in days by eliminating unnecessary ad spend and hours of human labor.

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