Shopping Ads Negative Keywords Tool

Provide a list of keywords that should appear in searches for your products. We'll review and block search terms that don't include those keywords.

Free Trial

Block Irrelevant Searches From Shopping Campaigns...

Gain more control over the searches that trigger your shopping ads.

Conserve Ad Budgets

Avoid spending anything on potentially bad searches.

Supervised Automation

Review the types of searches our tool will exclude before committing.

Reduce Manual Work

Quickly repeat the process when you're satisfied with the results.

How it works ...

Provide a list of keywords that should be appear in your shopping campaign search terms and set a date range for us to analyze. We'll provide a list of searches the do not include your keywords and phrases. Adjust your keywords and phrases until you are satisfied with the results. Then apply irrelevant search terms to your campaigns as negatives.

This tool allows you to quickly sculpt traffic by reviewing 1,000s of search terms at once. Quickly repeat the process to continually improve your shopping traffic.

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